Here's a lovely picture of PLA in a coil in a plastic bag.
This particular colour is Sky Blue - and it looks awesome when printed :-) Big shout out to Vik Olliver who got this to me super-quick over a holiday weekend!
My electronics kit also arrived yesterday. This is the 3D Gadgets kit that I got off ebay. It arrived EXTREMELY well packaged - direct from China. I'm very pleased with the quality of the kit - I've included a bunch of photo's below:
All packaged up (all of this came in a FedEx bag)
Limit switches in a handy dandy little case :-)
LCD and SD board
Arduino, RAMPS, Motor Drivers and fan
As I said I'm very happy with all of this - buying it in a bundle saves a heap on shipping to NZ - plus it means you're less likely to not be able to get hold of that crucial something.
Which brings me to the exciting part of this post!
Last night I went round to James's place to commence printing of my parts on his Prusa. He only got it extruding a week and a half ago and already it's printing parts beautifully! We got the STL's all ready to go and set the printer up with my PLA. We printed the first couple of top vertexes last night and he's printing the rest of the plates over the next week. Below is a picture of two of the vertexes being printed:
And here is a video of the printing :-)
Very cool :-)
So now I'm basically just waiting for more parts to arrive so that I can commence assembly. I guess I also need to get my hands on a soldering iron!!